Fashola Speeds Up Work On Mokwa-Jeba After Bridge Collapse To Meet Deadline.

To beat Acting president, Professor Yemi Osinbajo’s 2 weeks deadline – the minister of works and power Babatunde Fashola has increased the work rate on semi permanent diversion on Mokwa-Jebba. Yemi Osinbajo, SAN, visited collapsed Mokwa-Jebba Bridge for on-the-spot assessment in Niger State earlier this month (June 10).

He was accompanied by Niger State Gov, Alh. Abubakar Sani Bello and Min. of Power, Works & Housing, Babatunde Fashola.

Already the federal government has commenced work to make the road passable pending the commencement of work on re-construction of the collapsed Bakino bridge at Tatabu community near Mokwa in Niger State.


Source: nationalhelm

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