Wu-Tang Clan’s Ghostface Killah Just Started His Own Cryptocurrency Business, Cream Capital.

Ghostface Killah, of the Wu-Tang Clan, has decided that it’s time to enter into the cryptocurrency business. Killah, whose real name is Dennis Coles, has dipped his toe into the saturated crypto market by co-founding Cream Capital – inspired by Wu-Tang’s 1993 song “C.R.E.A.M” (Cash Rules Everything Around Me) Continue reading “Wu-Tang Clan’s Ghostface Killah Just Started His Own Cryptocurrency Business, Cream Capital.”

BlackBerry Motion Lands With A Huge Battery And No Keyboard.

Days after images leaked on Twitter showing an all-touchscreen handset, BlackBerry has launched the Motion. As rumoured suggested, the device has a lot in common with the company’s KEYone phone, but without the keyboard and with a sizeable 4,000mAh battery Continue reading “BlackBerry Motion Lands With A Huge Battery And No Keyboard.”

5 Natural Foods To Prevent Heart Disease.

As lifestyle choices are changing, there is a rise in the number of people contracting heart diseases. Ensuring that you have a healthy heart is important and you can do so by making sure you eat right. Nutrition plays an important role in making sure that you do not burden your heart with a lot of pressure. Well-known lifestyle consultant and dietician Naini Setalvad tells us a few natural heart-healthy foods we need to include in our diet to prevent heart ailments Continue reading “5 Natural Foods To Prevent Heart Disease.”

Eating Peanuts May Prevent Heart Attack.

Eating peanuts with a meal may help protect against cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks and stroke, an international team of researchers has found. After a meal, there is a spike in blood lipids, and triglycerides — a type of fat found in the bloodstream – which stiffen arteries and lead to cardiovascular disease. The findings showed that healthy men who ate about three ounces of peanuts with a high-fat meal had a blunted increase of lipids in their bloodstream Continue reading “Eating Peanuts May Prevent Heart Attack.”

How To Make Almond, Cashew And Peanut Butter At Home.

I know a lot of people feel differently about peanut butter, but I love it. I love spreading on a toast of whole grain bread, or dip some soup stick and enjoy it while watching Netflix. Nobody else in my family is keen on eating it, so I decided to try and convert my toddler into a peanut butter lover. And not surprisingly, she took to peanut butter so well that now I have to hide the jar from her Continue reading “How To Make Almond, Cashew And Peanut Butter At Home.”

Yellow Butter vs White Butter: Here’s Why You Should Have More Of White Butter!

It goes without saying that the paratha in a Punjabi home will come with a dollop of melting makhan or white butter. Not only does the white butter enhance the taste of food but life itself. But wait, we are not talking about the yellow butter you get in the market. Here’s how white butter is different from yellow butter Continue reading “Yellow Butter vs White Butter: Here’s Why You Should Have More Of White Butter!”

5 Shocking Things That Happen To Your Body When You Sleep With AC On The Whole Night.

An air conditioner is a relief on a hot summer night. But as much as you may like to sleep with the AC on the whole night, remember that you you may also be throwing your health off track. General physician Dr Subroto Das tells you how Continue reading “5 Shocking Things That Happen To Your Body When You Sleep With AC On The Whole Night.”

5 Hidden Sources Of Caffeine That Might Be Keeping You Awake All Night.

You must have probably given up on your evening coffee, but if you still find yourself twisting and turning at night, a few other foods could be the culprit. These surprising hidden sources of caffeine could be keeping you up at night. Continue reading “5 Hidden Sources Of Caffeine That Might Be Keeping You Awake All Night.”

Organic Sugar vs White Sugar– Which One Is Better?

We want to pick everything organic from the store — organic eggs to organic fruits and vegetables. Organic foods are healthy but does it mean we have to replace every single ingredient in our grocery with organic staples? Maybe not, especially when it comes to buying sugar. Let us learn from nutritionist Akansha Jhalani if buying organic sugar can make a difference Continue reading “Organic Sugar vs White Sugar– Which One Is Better?”

Is It A Good Idea To Add Ice To Fruit Juices?

Fruit juice and ice are like a quintessential combination. When you order a fruit juice in your office cafeteria or any local juice centre, the crushed ice is added before any other ingredient. While the crushed ice in your juice can provide you great relief on a hot summer day, can combining crushed ice and fruit juice be a good idea? Let us hear it out from well-known nutritionist Priya Kathpal Continue reading “Is It A Good Idea To Add Ice To Fruit Juices?”