Things To Know About Hepatitis B.

Hepatitis B, a liver infection, caused by the hepatitis B virus is one of the most serious types of viral hepatitis. Characterized by vomiting, yellowing of eyes, dark urine and abdominal pain, people with low immunity, pregnant women, those suffering from any illness, children and old people are at an increased risk. According to WHO statistics,  around 600000 people die every year due to the acute or chronic consequences of hepatitis B and  more than two billion people have been infected with the hepatitis B virus. Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) on hepatitis answered Continue reading “Things To Know About Hepatitis B.”

How To Manage Asthma In Children.

Asthma is very difficult to deal with, and more complicated when children suffer from this disease. If you’re worried that your child may not be able to lead a healthy and active childhood, do not worry. While asthma cannot be cured, there are things you can do to manage it well. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you. Asthma: All you need to know Continue reading “How To Manage Asthma In Children.”

Drunken Man Tells Police His Car Was Stolen, While He Forgot It At A Beer Parlour.

It is Friday again, If you want to drink, Drink Responsibly. According to a Statement from the Rapid Respond Squad (RRS), last week Friday, Jude, a resident of Anthony Village was drunk to the point that he forgot his Toyota Camry 2010 Model at a beer parlour only to wake up around 03:30 a.m. Saturday morning to misinform the police that his car had been stolen from where it was parked at his residence Continue reading “Drunken Man Tells Police His Car Was Stolen, While He Forgot It At A Beer Parlour.”

Bitcoin Is Now Worth Over $5,600 And Japan Is The World’s Biggest Trader.

With Japan at the forefront, bitcoin appears to be doing just fine as it is now trading at $5,610 as of press time. Based on data from industry website Coindesk, the popular digital currency hit a new record high of $5,856 this morning which saw a 16% massive climb from its previous high of $5,013.91 on September 2 Continue reading “Bitcoin Is Now Worth Over $5,600 And Japan Is The World’s Biggest Trader.”

Nigerian Court Convicts 45 In Boko Haram Mass Trials.

Nigerian court has convicted 45 Boko Haram members in the largest mass trial in the terrorist group’s history.The country’s information minister says the 45 people were sentenced to between three and 31 years in prison. Another 468 suspects were released, but the court ordered that they undergo de-radicalization programs Continue reading “Nigerian Court Convicts 45 In Boko Haram Mass Trials.”

CCTV Footage From The Night Tagbo Died And Davido’s Statement.

Few days ago, Davido reacted to reports to the reports trailing him, over the controversies surrounding Tagbo’s death, and he promised to release a statement soon, with evidences…and it looks like the singer, wasn’t joking one bit, as he has finally released a press statement including CCTV evidences Continue reading “CCTV Footage From The Night Tagbo Died And Davido’s Statement.”

Weapons Found In Home Of IPOB Leader Nnamdi Kanu Revealed By Police.

Commissioner of Police in Abia, Mr Anthony Ogbizi, has said that lethal weapons, including petrol bombs and one double-barrel gun, were recovered during Sunday’s raid on the residence of the leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), Nnamdi Kanu Continue reading “Weapons Found In Home Of IPOB Leader Nnamdi Kanu Revealed By Police.”

Blood Of Jesus Drink Being Sold For N2,000 In Akwa Ibom.

A shocked social media user identified as Victoria has shared alleged photos of a “controversial” drink which is now being sold in Uyo, Akwa Ibom state capital.According to her, the red drink which is called ‘The Blood of Jesus’ and sponsored by a popular church in the area – is being sold for N2,000. Continue reading “Blood Of Jesus Drink Being Sold For N2,000 In Akwa Ibom.”

Tonto Dikeh Levels New Allegations Against Ex-Husband.

Just when we thought the storm is now calm on Tonto Dikeh and her ex husband’s drama, another drama unfolds!. The actress while reacting to a new interview he granted has leveled new allegations against him Continue reading “Tonto Dikeh Levels New Allegations Against Ex-Husband.”

Buhari Asked Us To Focus On Northern Nigeria — World Bank

The President of the World Bank Group, Jim Yong Kim, said on Thursday that the bank had concentrated on the northern region of Nigeria in line with President Muhammadu Buhari’s request. According to Punch, Kim and the Managing Director, International Monetary Fund, Christine Lagarde, who spoke at separate press conferences in Washington DC, U.S, also advised Buhari to invest in things that would enhance economic growth Continue reading “Buhari Asked Us To Focus On Northern Nigeria — World Bank”